Pixyz 2020.2 is Running!

7 min readDec 10, 2020


Santa-Claus was generous this year, with an incredibly rich release!

This new 2020.2 version of our software comes with 3 key areas of improvements:

  • We inspired ourselves from the best optimization technics in the gaming industry and put them in your hand, to always achieve the better quality / performance ratio, in your 3D experience. Besides we are supporting now Solid & Skinned mesh animations.
  • JT, glTF, USD and FBX, Recap, RVM+ATT, formats new and enhanced imports/exports.
  • Fast & easy data preparation is also a matter of good UX. This is why we added a bunch of new GUI improvements to ease your life.

Let’s dive right in the content of this release.

Pixyz Studio:

JT file Import upgraded

We have improved JT files importer in order to be able to load even the most demanding model, even on an average PC configuration.

Higher 3D fidelity: we now identify & import all the content of JT files: Brep, meshes, metadata, PMI, even colors and advanced materials (textures & UVs). Pixyz Studio allows you to tesselate at import CAD data for high quality and a model perfectly prepared for optimization, or you can prefer to load existing meshes, if you favor speed.

Furthermore, all JT versions are accepted!

3D Animations welcome!

Real-time experiences can look static without animations.

So to extend your creativity, most of functions can optimize any mesh with solid or skeleton based (skinned) animation and still preserve its attributes (textures, uv…) and motions.

Keep it as usual, your animations are in safe hand.

Not sure about the results? Check by yourself, using our new embed Animation Player within Pixyz Studio

Want to share and integrate your animated model? We grant you the choice to export to most popular 3D portable formats, like FBX, glTF and USD to get your data wherever you need it: web, game engine, AR…

Decimation To Target improved

Reduce your model’ complexity is good but controlling precisely the visual quality is even better. By adjusting Decimate To Target’s settings (5 weights) you will be able to handle the polycount and preserve the specific attributes that you want (like the UVs for your Game character or hard edges for CAD models).

This powerful and important function was improved to have more control over the decimation process than solely the triangle count target to control the quality of the resulting mesh.

New “Combine Meshes” function

A must have in any 3D technical artist toolset: with this new function you can concatenate your model from thousands of distinct elements to one unique mesh with a single material and still get a similar looking model to drastically reduce draw calls.

There is a lot more to discover concerning the optimizations we have infused in this 2020.2 release: impostors, smoothed hidden removal, convex …

Last but not least, it is also now possible to export your models from Pixyz Studio to Unity Reflect. This is in push mode only for now, but the combination of those two powerful software is already opening dozens of new potential use cases and workflows.

👉 This way to unpack your gifts !

Pixyz Review :

RVM import improved

In Pixyz 2020.2 the RVM files import gets a lot faster. And to make it more intelligent we support attributes files (.att) giving you full access to linked Metadata, which will automatically be displayed in the Inspector panel.

New Advanced Search

Pixyz Review is tailor-made for engineers, architects and technical experts who need to study their large and complex assemblies, composed of thousands of parts with the associated information ( PMI, colors, metadata…).

Because they need to quickly find the right parts in order to focus on what matters. Today, we have implemented an Advanced Search that let you find & select occurrences based on criteria like metadata, property, materials, components, etc… that you can combine with AND & OR operators.

And good news: It’s blazingly faster than classical search. (expect from 10 to 100 times faster), plus you can save and re-use your queries to spare your time.

More functions for Pivot Point

Having “clean” Pivot points makes things always easier when stagging a scene. So Pixyz Review 2020.2 gives you more flexibility when manipulating the Pivot Point since now you can either align two or more occurrences’ Pivot points or reset the Pivot point rotation.

Set VR “Grabability” faster🚀

To improve your productivity, we also decided to ease the VR interactions setting. So we’ve brought you upfront the possibility to make a selection of occurrence grabbable by just right-clicking on it.

👉 delight yourself here!

Pixyz Plugin for Unity

Plugin supercharges Unity with new enriched toolbox for optimization & Animations support.

Animations preserved with Toolbox functions

No more forced into a traditional and rigid production process: you can now optimize assets that contain solid or skinned animations directly in Unity, even at the last stage of your production pipeline.

Thanks to the toolbox, you can adjust your LODs in the real environment in which your characters will evolve. No more guessing. Less back and forth between Unity and your creation tools = time saving.

📣 Just a reminder: Pixyz Plugin does not yet import animations. Keep on importing your 3D animated files (FBX, OBJ…) through Unity importer.

Keep in mind, you can use all our algorithms accessible from our freshen Toolbox: Combine, Decimate To Target, Remove hidden, etc…

Billboard function

Most of the time, background environment elements are not seen in close-up, thus they do not need to be highly detailed. So why not reduce drastically their computation cost by projecting the 3D forms on textured planes or boxes? This simplification method is called a billboard or an impostor, and you can use it very simply, with the Pixyz Plugin.

LOD Tool

Previously, you could create LODs only from the Pixyz Plugin import window. Today we’re releasing our new tool to create LODs after import and apply dedicated optimization at each level, with different intensity as your liking. It comes with pre-configured parameters, but you can tailor it to your needs with saved LODrule & LODprocess.

Import ReCap file (.rcp)

Pixyz Plugin enables users to import and optimize Point Clouds with billions of points in Unity editor: you can create LODs, generate Colliders or even generate a retopologized mesh from them.

Here is an interesting example of what you can achieve easily in Unity with your Point Clouds data.

We’re continuing our efforts to be the best companion for Unity users when dealing with Point Clouds and allow from 2020.2 version to import & process Autodesk Recap files (RCP & RCS file formats).

For now, our technology combined with Unity’s limits the import to medium sized .rcp file (max 2Go, <100M per import) due to memory consumption but we’ll strive to improve our technology to broaden the possibility range.

👉Enjoy Pixyz Plugin

NEW: Pixyz Scenario Processor

“We need an automated 3D optimization workflow that scale with demand! Can you help us?”

This is a question we have often heard from customers who need to industrialize and accelerate 3D Digital Transformation with simplicity and scalability.

This is when Pixyz Scenario Processor for Amazon Web Services arrives to save your day!

Scenario Processor for AWS is the union of two key concepts:

  • Scenarios, that package all the steps & settings to get the best optimized result from your 3D Data.
  • And 3D preparation infrastructure that adjusts automatically with demand, based on AWS Cloud.

Scenario processor is a headless application that lets you run ready-to-use 3D optimization scenarios. These scenarios were designed for different kind of use cases: whether you are aiming for a specific polycount to fit your target device, want to convert CAD files into optimized meshes, or even Point Clouds, we’ve got a scenario for that.

Use Scenario Processor from time-to-time or extensively without friction as it natively takes benefit from formidable AWS container service elasticity and orchestration.

As it is running on your own AWS Tenant, your data stays fully safe.

And last but not least, Scenario Processor adapts to your budget, as you can pay only for what you consume.

To know more, have a look on our product page, on Pixyz website, or directly on AWS Marketplace.

Do not wait👉 Try our products here





PiXYZ Software is the new solution for large CAD data automatic preparation, optimization & review, at scale for VR / AR.

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